Jessica Opfer serves as a Policy Analyst at Ferox Strategies, tracking legislation, researching federal funding opportunities, and summarizing policy on behalf of the firm’s clients. Her portfolio focuses on Ferox’s healthcare clients.

Jessica offers valuable analytical and writing skills from her journalism experience where she published an in-depth reporting piece on the effects of Medicare Advantage (MA) plan marketing on rural Ohio residents. The article, entitled “The complexities and costs of an insured life,” was recognized by the Society of Professional Journalists for its innovative use of multimedia. The reporting included extensive research into Medicare and MA enrollment numbers over the past 10 years, a deep dive into the different components of Medicare, and numerous discussions within social welfare, healthcare, and enrollee spaces. Jessica previously served as an Assistant Editor for Miami University’s only long-form journalism publication, later moving up the ranks to Managing Editor.

Jessica’s love for policy bloomed from her membership in the Miami University Panhellenic Association’s Women’s Rights and Empowerment Impact Team. The overturning of Roe v. Wade provoked a need for policy explanations and resources for students, leading Jessica to co-draft a comprehensive women’s health guide. In addition to connecting students with resources, the guide included local, state, and federal political contexts to maximize public comprehension of the issue. Jessica later applied her interest in policy development through her academic pursuits, analyzing the District of Columbia’s environment, budget, and demographics to model climate recommendations for urban forestry expansion in the city.

Originally from Castalia, Ohio, Jessica graduated Summa Cum Laude from Miami University with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Journalism. Jessica returns to Ferox after a previous internship through Miami’s Inside Washington Program, where she led discussions with professionals in the District. She also interned with the Sandusky Register, a tri-county newspaper in northern Ohio covering numerous beats.

Outside of the office, Jessica loves to read, attend concerts, and explore new things around the city.